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Bestest Girl

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Bot ID

Irene! s.her crackhead,
01/07, 14, Capricorn
Asian straight
english + vietnamese

carrd made by eunha!

STANS nct, skz, dreamcatcher, loona, twice, ateez, txt, aespa, itzy, red velvet, (g)i-dle, ive, stayc, everglow, enhypen, etc
BYF I hold my favs accountable, I talk abt my favs a lot, friends over followers, talks in caps often, uses " - " and keyboard smashes a lot, will unfollow if you unfollow first
DNFI basic dnfi criteria, anti-kpop, anti any of my ults, only want a follow for follow, will unfollow after getting followed back, _phobes, racist, etc, current moots are ok!

LIKES kpop, boba, plushies, my friends, graphic designing, squid game, harry potter franchise

DISLIKES antis, sasaengs, favoritism, school, onions, garlic, oli london